Yesterday was my nineteenth birthday. Eighteen was a whirlwind, a rollercoaster of dramatic ups and downs that I've yet to recover from. Something, however, is telling me that nineteen will make up for it tenfold. In honor of nineteen, here are nineteen things I’ve learned from nineteen musicians in nineteen years.
Paul McCartney - All You Need Is Love
Lennon may have written "All You Need Is Love," but McCartney embodies it. To the observer, it is abundantly clear that McCartney loves fiercely. His intense love is visible in his performances and is audible in his music, it saturates his songs and seeps into his every action. He loves his family, pets, career, and life so incredibly much, that words are often not sufficient means to express it. Instead, McCartney turns to melody. He turns to vast instrumentations and symphonies of a thousand voices. He’s been knocked for it, denounced by critics and colleagues alike for being too sappy and lovey-dovey, but he has never allowed that to render him jaded or bitter. And so, for Paul McCartney, I will love fiercely and with my whole heart.
“Over the years people have said, "Aw, he sings love songs, he writes love songs, he's so soppy at times." I thought, Well, I know what they mean, but, people have been doing love songs forever. I like 'em, other people like 'em, and there's a lot of people I love -- I'm lucky enough to have that in my life. So the idea was that "you" may call them silly, but what's wrong with that?”
George Harrison - Be Here Now
George Harrison is my ultimate role model and biggest inspiration. George looked to Sri Yukteswar Giri and Paramahansa Yogananda for wisdom, but I look to him. It is through George that I have learned some of life’s most invaluable lessons. Being here now is perhaps the most important of those lessons. It seems so simple, but it's the most difficult thing I've ever attempted to do. Nonetheless, I try to remain present and disregard any notions of a past or future, because we cannot revisit the past nor can we guarantee a future. I remind myself to fully experience every moment as it is and dissolve all worry or anxiety. So, for George, I will always remain in the here & now.
“It's being here now that's important. There's no past and there's no future. Time is a very misleading thing. All there is ever, is the now. We can gain experience from the past, but we can't relive it; and we can hope for the future, but we don't know if there is one.”
Keith Richards - Be Tough
Whenever I bite my tongue or go to great lengths to avoid confrontation, my mind invariably strays to Keith Richards. A chainsmoking, Jack Daniels slugging heroin junkie bedecked with skull rings and handcuff bracelets, switchblades tucked into his boots and more run-ins with the law than I can count. Keith Richards has never run away from confrontation with his tail between his legs and has never bitten his tongue. He gives authority the finger and does what he wants, not what he's told. He's tough. And he's admirable. So, in an attempt to emulate an ounce of the gall Keith Richards has, I always remind myself to be tough.
"If you're going to kick authority in the teeth, you might as well use two feet."
Nikki Sixx - Stick To Your Guns
If there is anyone who knows anything about sticking to your guns, it’s Nikki Sixx. An outcast from Idaho with thick glasses and a bowl cut, Sixx always knew he wanted more. He stuck out like a sore thumb, tall and menacing in platform boots and leather pants during blazing California summers, with his jet black hair hanging over his eyes. He received more than his fair share of judgemental stares, but he never sacrificed his individuality for the comfort of other people, especially when it came to his career. Even while working odd day jobs to make ends meet and hopping from couch to couch, Sixx still maintained his resolve. The flame of his determination could never be extinguished, even after repeatedly hearing the word "no." He built Motley Crue from the ground up, beginning with just himself, a stolen guitar, and a notebook full of lyrics and ending with world domination. So, for Nikki Sixx, I will always stick to my guns.
“You’ve got to stick to your guns - what’s right for you ain’t right for everyone.”
Grace Slick - Act Like a Lady
On the outside, Grace Slick was a dainty model-turned-singer with perfect hair and a gorgeous wardrobe. She was a Finch girl, and Finch girls were the height of propriety, taught to sit still and look pretty. But when Grace opened her mouth, that all went out the window. Her tongue was like a whip, quick-witted and sarcastic. She was loud and opinionated, cynical, and occasionally passive-aggressive - the exact opposite of what women are "supposed" to be. Her lacerating sarcasm has even landed her in jail for, what she called, a “TUI” - talking under the influence. So, for Grace, I will always be loud and proud, never biting my tongue to ensure someone else's comfort.
“In school, I learned about artists and how they were free to express themselves. I was allergic to conformity, and the lifestyle attracted me. I wanted to express myself in a way that slammed people up against the wall.”
Bret Michaels - Work Hard
I’m familiar with the stories of many musicians, but Bret Michaels always sticks out as one of the most kind, humble, and hard-working. Perhaps that’s a result of his beginnings.
Michaels grew up as a Type 1 diabetic in rural Pennsylvania who fantasized about becoming the next David Lee Roth. When he eventually journeyed to Los Angeles to pursue his dream, it was far from smooth sailing. Michaels and the rest of Poison lived in the slums, having knives pulled on them by pimp neighbors and relying on the generosity of others for food. Michaels worked odd jobs during the day and sang at night, determined to make his dreams a reality. Success still seemed so far away, even after Poison signed with Enigma Records. Poison was not predicted to do well, so they were given $30,000 to work with - a fraction of the sum that was standard among rock groups of the time. Band members were forced to dip into their pockets to partially fund their time in the studio to work on their debut album, “Look What the Cat Dragged In.” Against all odds, the album became an enormous hit. So, whenever I find myself wishing I was at the top of the mountain instead of climbing it, I remind myself to be a bit more like Bret and cry tough - it’ll pay off in the end.
“You gotta cry tough out on the streets to make your dreams happen.”
Alice Cooper - Be a Freak
I think everyone can relate to feeling like an outcast or a freak - like you stick out like a sore thumb and wish, for once, you could just blend in. Whenever I find myself thinking this, I remember Alice Cooper, with his black makeup and penchant for all things weird, and am reminded that normal people hardly ever make an impact. It's the freaks who are remembered.
“Mistakes are part of the game. It's how well you recover from them, that's the mark of a great player.”
Joan Jett - Screw Others' Opinions
When Joan Jett decided she wanted to be a musician, she signed up for guitar lessons. Within the first few minutes of her first lesson, her male teacher looked her in the eye and said, "Girls don't play rock and roll." He suggested that maybe she should try to be more like Joni Mitchell. Joan picked up her electric guitar, refrained from bashing him over the head with it and stormed out of the lesson. Joan has since proved that girls do play rock and roll - they are the epitome of rock and roll. You have to do what makes you happy, and that comes with learning to disregard unwanted opinions. It’s easier said than done, but whenever I need a boost, I find myself thinking of Joan Jett.
“Don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t do something. Make your own victories. Make your own mistakes.”
Marianne Faithfull - Have Grit
Marianne Faithfull hates getting called a survivor, but she can’t deny that she has grit. Her tenacity and strength are insurmountable - I envy her for it. Her life has been a constant series of being knocked down and getting right back up again. Marianne is gritty, punk, tough, strong, and someone I would not hesitate to label a personal hero. So, for Marianne, I always remind myself to have grit.
“Never apologize, never explain - didn't we always say that? Well, I haven't and I don't.”
Bob Dylan - The Pen is Mightier Than the Sword
Bob Dylan’s power with a pen is unmatched - his lyricism is some of the greatest of all time. He often used his talents to do more than make a pretty song, however. He utilized his skills to create something meaningful, in the most beautifully intricate manner imaginable. From protest songs to denouncing racism to highlighting to unjust murder of Hattie Carroll, Dylan singlehandedly proved that the pen is mightier than the sword. The Einstein of his field, Dylan has even won a Nobel prize “for having created new poetic expressions within the great American song tradition.” So, for Bob Dylan, I remind myself that brains are far superior to brawn.
“Gonna change my way of thinking, make myself a different set of rules. Gonna put my good foot forward and stop being influenced by fools.”
John Denver - Dance With the Mountains
A true child of nature, John Denver rejoiced in the outdoors. Nature is prominently featured in nearly all of his compositions. It is perhaps the greatest love of his life. I think nature keeps us grounded. Just as the leaves pull toxins out of the air, they pull negativity out of our minds. Many people overlook nature, ignoring the symbiotic relationship we share with it. John Denver unabashedly proclaimed his love of mother nature and her beauty, everything from the eagle soaring through the sky to the mountains dotting the horizon. So, for John Denver, I ground myself in nature and dance with the mountains..
“The Earth is our mother just turning around, with her trees in the forest and roots underground. Our father above us whose sigh is the wind, paint us a rainbow without any end.”
Stevie Nicks - Be Authentic
Even while bearing the weight of countless death threats and seething letters saturated in hatred, Stevie Nicks never hid her true self. Branded a witch and metaphorically tied to the stake, Nicks could have shoved her love for whimsy under the carpet and moved on. She could have worn jeans instead of tiered skirts and sang about nature instead of celestial goddesses, abandoning authenticity for survival. And yet, Stevie stood tall in her platform boots and dripping sleeves, twirling scarves and adorning her neck with crescent moons, never batting an eye. So, for Stevie, I remind myself to be authentic and express myself however I desire.
“I have my own life. And I am stronger than you know.”
Kate Bush - You Control Your Destiny
When Kate Bush signed with EMI, she was a wide-eyed convent girl with the chance of a lifetime. With her button nose, tiny stature, and soprano voice, perhaps EMI assumed she was a naïve little girl who could be easily controlled. They were not prepared for Kate to bark orders, demanding control over her music and image. They did not expect the headache she would cause when she insisted on being the one to pick her singles and overlooking every step of the music-making process. Kate was far from easily controlled. This was her music and her life. She was the captain of her own ship and refused to allow anyone else to seize control. She was rewarded with a record-breaking career. So, for Kate, I remind myself that I control my destiny. My fate is in my own hands.
“The freedom you feel when you're actually in control of your own music is fantastic.”
Keith Moon - Indulge Your Inner Child
Moon the Loon was infamous for his wild antics. From flushing cherry bombs to submerging a Lincoln Continental in a pool, the man was certifiably insane - in the best way imaginable. He lived his life so in touch with childhood innocence and fun, uncaring for stiff decorum or manners. He was free from the shackles of societal expectation and a natural wellspring of hilarity. While I may not plan to indulge my inner child quite as much as Moonie (I think the pig’s head in a hotel bed might be a bit too much for me), I remind myself to let loose, have fun, and enjoy the moment. There’s nothing wrong with being a little silly.
“I've always enjoyed myself. Unhappy periods for me last about twenty minutes.”
Mick Mars - You Are Not Defined By Your Circumstances
Mick Mars spent nearly a decade chasing his dream of being a guitarist. The odds did not seem in his favor. He had three children and a failed marriage, was trapped in menial day jobs, and shuffled through bands like a deck of cards. His life was quickly slipping out of his control.
On top of it all, he was diagnosed with ankylosing spondylitis - simply put, his spine was turning into cement. Most people would have thrown in the towel and given up at that point, resigning to hermitry. Somehow, Mick kept pushing. He remained undefined by his circumstances, not allowing the raw deal he’d been dealt to destroy the rest of his life. He searched and searched until, finally, he found it - Motley Crue. So, for Mick Mars, I remind myself that I am not defined by my circumstances. I can do whatever I set my mind to, even if it seems as if all the odds are stacked against me.
“Get as rude as possible and don't let anyone tell you how to live.”
John Lennon - We All Have Our Demons
I think John Lennon has been crucified more than most musicians. Lennon was far from perfect, but in recent years he’s been branded as a wife-beating deadbeat father, a hypocrite who did nothing for music. You can form your own opinions on John, as I have mine, but I don’t think he’s quite deserving of this eternal damnation. Lennon made mistakes, but he wasn’t evil. Towards the end of his life, he was actively trying to repair what he had broken and make up for his mistakes. The important thing to take away from the life of Lennon is that things are not always black and white - everyone has their demons and no one is perfect. John was a tortured soul, drowning in emotion and overwhelm and screaming for somebody to help him. So, for John, I remind myself that you never know what demons someone else might be fighting.
“When you're drowning you don't think, I would be incredibly pleased if someone would notice I'm drowning and come and rescue me. You just scream.”
Jimmy Page - You Decide Who You Are
When I read Chris Salewicz’s definitive biography of Jimmy Page, there was one part that I clung to. Salewicz proposed the idea that Page had, at an early age, created the character of Jimmy Page. This character was the perfect version of himself, everything he longed to be. Then, he worked to become that character. Over time, Page transformed into the person he wanted to be, slipping away from the quiet guitar prodigy James Page and evolving into the loud guitar wizard, Jimmy Page. In many senses, Page is not a role model. One thing that I have learned from him, however, is that I get to decide who exactly I want to be.
“I will still carry on changing all the time.”
Cass Elliot - Welcome Everyone Into Your Heart
As much as Cass Elliot hated being called “Mama”, she took her title of Mama Cass seriously. She was a mother to everyone. It seems any musician who passed through Laurel Canyon in the 60s also passed through Cass’ home, where they were welcomed with open arms. She was a caretaker, an angel on earth who radiated kindness and positivity. The world treated her like a joke, and in retaliation, she treated the world with gentility. So, for Cass, I remind myself to be kind and welcome everyone into my heart.
“You've got to make your own kind of music, sing your own special song, make your own kind of music, even if nobody else sings along.”
Josh Kiszka - Have Fun First
As the lead singer of one of the forerunning modern rock groups, Josh Kiszka has a lot on his shoulders. He bears that weight with grace, however, never allowing the pressure to put out his spark - a spark that is more akin to a blazing fire. Kizska’s youthful exuberance and love for all shines through in everything he does. The best thing about seeing a band in their prime in real-time is seeing how much fun they are having, and Kiszka is no exception. Kiszka and the rest of Greta Van Fleet always remind everyone to have fun first. So, for Josh, I will do just that.